Learn how to make 2D cartoons

I will give you the techniques & templates you need to create killer cartoons for podcasts, social media, TV or even cinemas using Adobe Character Animator and After Effects

1000s of hours of study and practice packaged into 10 days of learning followed up with private tutoring

course fundamentals

What we’ll work on together


We go over the framework of cartoon making. What softwares we use, how cartoons are structured and how you need to think to get the desired outcome.

Character development and lip sync

This is not a design course. Students get a library of pre-made characters and backgrounds to use during the course. We go over how characters and backgrounds have to be structured, layered and rigged as well as how we can outsource this work.


Movements are a key part of a fun cartoon. This step covers basic movements, walking cycles and everything you need to know to be able to take your cartoons and animations to the next step.

Software fundamentals

We learn the basic fundamentals of After Effects, Illustrator, Character Animator, Media Encoder and Photoshop. The focus of the course is After Effects and Character Animator.


We learn about layers, compositions and put to test what we have learned about how to think to get the desired outcome. We create different mini cartoons to get a full understanding.


In editing we go over what we have made and edit all the compositions to create our cartoon. We cover transitions, basic key factors, effects and everything you need to know about editing the final product.

is this for you

Who I made this course for

Someone that wants a base understanding and the skills to create cartoons using Adobe softwares

Beginners that do not know anything about animating but want to be at a high level at a specific style of animating

Someone that wants to create content or/and earn an income creating cartoons and animations


Meet your instructor

Audun Bragi Kjartansson (Audi) is a an animator with a 4 years experience in creating cartoons for TV networks, podcasts and social media that get 100’s of thousands views every month.

“I teach people the skills to be able to create a career out of making cartoons. My course goes over the basics and the follow up one-on-one tutoring takes you to the next level in a few sessions.”

Audun Bragi, Professional animator


What People Are Saying

“I have always been interested in cartoons and animating even though it has nothing to do with my job. This course really surprised me, just learning all the basics, structure and fundamentals of animating was mind-blowing. Audi teaches you these skills by making you animate and by doing that, you pretty much have templates to create anything after the course. A+.”

Alexander Baldwin

Financial engineer, Iceland

“I expected this course to be a bit different. It goes over how to design characters and backgrounds for animations but we actually do not design anything. We use the design templates Audi provides, which is awesome to get an understanding of how it works but no design. I expected to learn the design itself but after the course, using the templates I was able to create my own characters and order some from Fiverr with Audi’s instructions.”

Helena Smith

Journalist, USA

“I have tried many times before learning how to animate using Youtube tutorials and Google. Audi completely blew it out of the park. Instead of spending I don’t know how many hours/days trying to understand this stuff, he explains it in a great way in only few days. Plus, you get to ask all the questions you want in the follow up tutoring which is sooo helpful. Could not be happier. I have been using the library non-stop since finishing the course.”

Isabella Madsen

Social media marketer, Denmark

Explore the styles

Cartoon samples


Course syllabus

1. Introduction and framework

We go over how cartoons are structured, how you are suppose to think to get the desired outcome and softwares fundamentals.

2. Animating

We start animating. We do short projects learning character design, layering, compositions, lip sync, movements and other factors. Learn by doing.

3. Final project

We select characters, backgrounds and audio clips from the Podtoon library. We create a cartoon using the skills we have learned. We do private lessons where you ask questions and I help you finishing your cartoon. When it is finished we have a group call where everybody show their cartoons and we go over what we have learned.

4. Private tutoring and libraries

We end the course by booking three private lessons where you can ask whatever you want. I will also hand over a big library of characters, backgrounds, practices and different After Effect projects and tutorials you can use to further your skills.

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Learning by doing is better

Active learning, not passive watching

I believe in learning by doing. If I tell you how to animate, you’ll forget it right away. So this course is structured as: “Do → Learn → Do”. We go over the basics and fundamentals of animating. Then we do short cartoons using specific factors and learn how to animate by doing.

You will end up with different projects covering different techniques that you can always go back to for answers.

When you finish your final project you will have some time to reflect, write down questions that will be answered in our follow up one-on-one tutoring.



Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be online at a certain time to take the course?

There will be live sessions but if you cannot make those, you can watch the recordings. In addition there will be a Slack community where I’ll be interacting and engaging.

How many lessons are there and when does the course start?

There will be 6 lessons, followed up with 3 private tutoring lessons and we end the course showing each other what we’ve learned. Little online viewing party.

There will be 3 courses over different periods of time so you can find dates that fit your schedule. The exact dates will be sent out to those on the waitlist.

How much does the course cost and what is included?

The course costs $990 USD and that includes:

  • The lessons/course
  • Three private tutoring lessons
  • The Podtoon library filled with characters, backgrounds, templates and tutorials.

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